Rio Bravo Fresno

3350 South Willow Avenue
Fresno, Fresno Co. CA 93725-9005
Size (MWs) 25
Dedicated Indirect Jobs Rio Bravo Fresno is responsible for approximately 40 dedicated indirect jobs, including fuel suppliers involved in collection, processing and transport of biomass fuel.
Senate District SD 14, Melissa Hurtado, D
Assembly District AD 31, Dr Joaquin Arambula, D
Congressional District CD 21, David Valadao, R

Rio Bravo Fresno

Rio Bravo Fresno (RBF) is located in the heart of California’s agricultural region in the community of Malaga.  This biomass-fired electrical generating facility is rated at 25MW net and runs continuously at full load.  The power produced by RBF is now purchased by SCE.

The fuel source at RBF is renewable biomass. Agricultural pruning’s and urban wood are the two major sources of biomass used at the facility.  Much of the material has historically been open burned or land filled resulting in atmospheric pollution, waste of landfill space, and underutilization of our renewable resources. The circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler technology used at RBF allows for a more complete and efficient burn of the biomass, thus air pollutants are dramatically reduced.  The use of biomass at the plant offsets the equivalent of 457,000 barrels of oil annually, providing clean, efficient energy.

The facility is currently owned by Rio Bravo Fresno, a California General Partnership, consisting of the following partners:  Malaga Power Investors L.P. 10%, Ultrapower-Fresno L.P. 40%, and CII Woodpower II, Inc 50%.  Malaga Power Investors and Ultrapower-Fresno are indirectly owned by North American Power Group, CII Woodpower II is owned by IHI Power Generation Corp. IPSC provides operations and maintenance services under an Operations and Maintenance agreement.

Project Overview

Location: Fresno, California
Technology: CE/Lurgi Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler, ABB/VAX STG
Fuel Type:
Biomass: ~35% agricultural wood waste, 65% urban wood waste
In-Service Date: June 1988
24.3 MW (12 MW to CE)
Output: BioRAM contract with SCE
Ownership: IHI Power Generation Corp. 50% North American Power Group (50%)
Operator: IHI Power Services Corp.
  • Contact Information:
  • Richard Deveau, Plant Manager
  • Beverly Santos, Admin
  • (559) 264-4575
  • Address:
  • 3350 South Willow Ave
  • Fresno, CA 93725